Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Doctor

The doctor I have been seeing closed his practice and I had to find a new doctor for fertility treatment. I found a doctor that is known to be good with fertility issues. I met with the new doctor today and hopefully things will keep getting better. He wanted to do a few more tests so I got more blood drawn again today and we will see! The next step is testing fallopian tubes by a dye test so we will be setting that up for next month. This past weekend for Halloween the local theater had a scary play we went to watch on Friday. We grabbed dinner out before and watched the zombie parade on the scare on the square while we ate. On Saturday we stayed home and handed out candy to the trick-or-treaters- they were all so cute! We watched fun Halloween movies all day and of course couldn't miss the OU game! Hope everyone had so much fun celebrating Halloween. I love this time of year get so excited for all the holidays coming up! Hope everyone has a great week!! xoxo~G and J


  1. G-I had no idea you were having fertility issues?! Is everything OK?

  2. hopefully everything will keep getting better! My bloodwork came back fine from the second round of tests so no other health issues going on. Next step will be checking my tubes and seeing if they are clogged causing ovulation not to happen. Will keep you posted with everything. If that tests goes good we will be able to start fertility med.

  3. Have you guys been trying for a while then? I will keep you in my prayers.

  4. Thank you, we appreciate that very much! We have been trying for 6 months. We know there is a greater plan and it is not meant to be how we want it to be but there are times I loose that knowledge and can not help being frustrated. Thank you again!!xoxo!!!

  5. God does have a plan. Keep telling yourself that! :) When did you start all these tests? Most docs wait a year of trying before they run any tests.

  6. Started running tests since I am all together not ovulating. So that is the main reason tests began since we could not even determine when I was ovulating since I was never regular.

  7. Ah bless your heart. Neither one of my sister in laws were ovulating and look at them now - both mothers of twin girls!! :)
